Gold Star Graphic Facilitation

The Power of Paper and Pen to Create Positive Change. 

Strengthen your listening, thinking, and drawing skills in this foundational visual facilitation course today.

Project-to-project experience is invaluable, but builds very slowly. 

We tend to be solo practitioners — learning from mentors or colleagues is rare. 

With Brandy Agerbeck by your side throughout this course, we will:

  • Accelerate your professional development by years.
  • Brandy will banish your doubt, building your know-how and confidence in your next client project. 
  • You can 
  • We XYZ

    Invest in your graphic recording business with Gold Star Graphic Facilitation, and you'll shine in your clients' eyes for years to come. 

Graphic Recording Course At-a-Glance
  • Comprehensive course on your role and responsibilities in the room.
  • No-fluff, skill-building, self-paced learning
  • 20 hours of video distilling the Brandy's best best practices over 20+ years of experience. 
  • $1997  registration fee and lifetime access
    10 spots available at $1397
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Pardon our  my dust. 

Early 2020, I was feverishly completing 3 comprehensive onlinecourses — this, Graphic Facilitator Confidential, and The Agerbeck Method — before leaving for a European workshop tour. (Yes, you can see where this is going.) Borders closed, I refunded folks a third of a year's income, and adapted my business to reach people virtually, safely, and happily from my Chicago studio.

Unhappily, I'm a struggling small business owner. (I know I am not alone.) The two graphic facilitation courses got set aside. These courses are 80%+ complete, the abandoned registration pages were just plain sad. 

Currently, I've opened 10 spots in this course and the GF business course open at 30% off to get the "financial oxygen" and focused time to complete these two career-transforming courses complete.  

If you are okay with a work-in-progress and want to save $600 on Gold Star Graphic Facilitation you can... 

Jump to Registration

You'll enjoy lifetime access to all these videos —

Welcome + Orientation

Video 1 | 37:55
4 pointers and a rule of thumb to carry forward throughout the course and your career.
Video 2 | 7:39
Lower your learning curve with this one professional practice. 
Video 3 | 36:49
A graphic facilitation project process from initial lead to final invoice. 📂


You will see this lesson, along with Seamless Team Member (Module 5) both here and in Brandy's comprehensive business-building course, Graphic Facilitator Confidential.

The course is the companion to the book, The Graphic Facilitator's Guide: How to use your listening, thinking and drawing skills to make meaning, and follows the same structure:
  • Week 2  |  Module 1:
  • Guiding Principles
  • Week 3  |  Module 2:
    Listening Skills
  • Week 4  |  Module 3:
    Thinking Skills 
  • Week 5  |  Module 4:
    Drawing Skills
  • Week 6  |  Module 5:
    In the Room

Module 1

Guiding Principles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

After the module introduction, you will learn: 

Video 1 | 48:00
What it takes to excel as a graphic facilitator.
Video 2 | 21:28
No one ever enters this work at square one. Brandy shares her story.
Video 3 | 27:44
The value of the live drawings we make vs. the artifact afterwards. 
Video 4 | 59:06
To best serve the group, set yourself up to be seen.
Video 5 | 51:23
Useful criteria for choosing your tools, plus Brandy's personal favorites. 📃


This lesson, and Module 5's Paper Wrangling Rodeo, focus on working on paper. Every other lesson in Gold Star Graphic Facilitation applies to any medium you choose to work in, physical or digital. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

Module 2


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

After the module introduction, you will learn: 

Video 1 | 38:25
The benefits of our role as outsider and witness, and a few pitfalls to avoid.
Video 2 | 19:34
You are not a recording device! How to stay present with your fellow human beings.
Video 3  | 15:55
Five layers of listening in our distinct role as graphic facilitators.
Video 4 | 50:50
Patterns in how people speak and how to best capture them.
Video 5  |  17:48

When we need to get "meta" and capture both message and methodology.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

Module 3


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

After the module introduction, you will learn: 

Video 1 | 20:55
Your ability to process and organize what you hear live.
Video 2 | 19:30
How individual voices fit together.
Video 3 | 20:05
Visual choices in making physical drawings.
Video 4 | 42:05
Shape of Conversation
Join an imaginary meeting to see the different shapes our drawings can take. 
Video 5 | 23:01
Banish the binary thinking of words vs. images. Brandy's model teaches how the two work together.
Video 6 | XX:XX
Placing Bets on Structure

Creating "scaffolding" in your chart design leading to more integrated images.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

Module 4


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

After the module introduction, you will learn: 

Video 1 | 26:58
A deep dive into our visual choices and how they bring value to our clients.
Videos 2 | 16:56
The Essential 8: Introduction
Step-by-step walk through of the drawing elements that build our charts.

The Essential Eight are exactly what drawing is most important when you work live as a graphic facilitator.

Video 4 | 45:59
E1: Lettering 

Video 5 | 23:42
E2: Bullets

Video 6 | 32:49
E3: Color 

Video 7 | 19:41
E4: Line

Video 8 | 25:31
E5: Arrows

Video 9 | 32:22
E6: People

Video 10 | 10:04
E7: Boxes

Video 11 | 28:57
E8: Shading

Video 12 | 12:18
The Essential 8: 
Video 13 | ##:##
Your Visual Vocabulary
Actively developing your own unique visual voice.
Video 14 | ##:##

Making new meaning from what we capture in the moment.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

Module 5

In the Room

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. 

After the module introduction, you will learn: 

Video 1 | 33:51
Prepping for Success
From research to prep call to pre-gig jitters to what you wear -- getting ready to rock and roll.
Videos 2 thru 8 | 55:50
Paper Wrangling Rodeo
Paper is noisy, wrinkle-ready and unruly. Here's how to tame paper all throughout your project. 📃
Video 9 | 15:55
Your Presence is Powerful
How we stand or move has an impact; take care of yourself as you take care of the group.
Video 10 | ##:##
Seamless Team Member
How to flow and fit with the client team, even if they don't know what to do with us. 📂
Video 11 | 1:02:48
When Things Go Sideways
Keeping yourself all right when it goes wrong. (And it will. Humans are involved.)
Video 12 | ##:##
Filling Your Toolbox
Opportunities to deepen your knowledge and strengthen your skills. 
Video 13 | ##:##
Final Pep Talk
High fives and a boost whenever you need it

Ready to save $600, and don't mind a few rough edges? 

Begin registration by clicking the image below —

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