Populating The Agerbeck Method's Page

agerbeck method
black and white drawings to illustrate different types of visual thinkers

So much drawing last night! Working on improving my registration page for The Agerbeck Method.

I launched the page this time last year. Added the module and lesson names a few months ago, but otherwise, AgMe's registration page has been trapped in amber.

Time to improve and iterate!

Working on making the page way less Brandy-centric by adding more faces and representing different types of visual thinkers.

These drawings will be scanned and integrated into photos.
(The page may not get shorter, but it will get more visual.)

This kind of production mode is one of my Happy Places.

The scanning part is tedious, but I looooove taking a project from idea to reality.

A few of these drawings integrated with photos of people. 

Tackling complexity with visual thinking

Reducing overwhelm with visual thinking


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