Level 23 Graphic Facilitator

graphic facilitation

Mary Robinette Kowal's tweet is just as applicable to Graphic Facilitation. :^) When I designed Graphic Facilitator Confidential, I wanted to meet people where they are at in their business. I got to pour my Level 23 hard-earned professional experience and field-proven systems into every lesson.

I knew there would be a lot of concrete details in the course, but I added plenty of pep talks too. Imposter Syndrome is a mighty powerful force. But GFC is an antidote.

Level 1-3: GFC gives you clear choices to start and get you growing faster. Not stuck in confusion.

Level 4-8: Get you fresh eyes and a systematic way of looking at your existing experience and help you be more confident and selective. Reduce friction.

Level 8+: Refinement. Effortless systems.


Tweet source: Mary Robinette Kowal

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