First Proof!

Brandy Agerbeck holding up a physical copy of The Idea Shapers book

Holy crow, folks! I know this is a looooong time coming, but today is the first day the book feels really REAL. I got the first print proof today, and I am thrilled. I now head to Grinnell College for my 20th Reunion happy to have an object to hand people when they ask, "So, how's the book going?"

There's about 30 more pages to write/draw/finish (I'm at 350 pages now), editing and proofing to do. But we're getting CLOSE.

A few days later, bon vivant and chaos muppet Mark Schumann flipped through the copy, inhaled deeply and said, "It's like I'm licking your brain."


Update! Click for the COMPLETED book: 


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