The Integrator Goes to the Zoo

After I publish the post, I'll have to ice my drawing hand/arm. I rocked 4 full-page drawings for the GRASP section of The Idea Shapers.
GRASP, the fifth step in the book* is all about analysis, synthesis and making new meaning through visual thinking.
These two drawings open up The Integrator chapter. I needed an understandable complex topic that could get across non-verbally.
Above: A slew of bits and pieces of the zoo experience.
Below: You turn the page and see this drawing integrating the details into one clear composition.
Not sure which I love more? The knobby-kneed giraffe or the lion statues flanking the zoo's entrance.
Today, drawing feels ✨magical✨.
*You can learn the 5 steps of visual thinking in my TEDxWindyCity talk, Shape Your Thinking.