LINK: "How Creativity and Visual Thinking Can Boost Your Business."

Thank you to Ann Logue for including me in her article, "How Creativity and Visual Thinking Can Boost Your Business," for Startup Nation.
Click on the title above to read about how to:
- Transfer the skills from creative fields into business
- Think more broadly about creativity
- Tap into your latent creativity in business roles
Image of a paintbrush laden with yellow paint. The quote reads: “Someone thinks, ‘Oh, I can’t paint, so I’m not creative.’ That specifically is creating a painting from paint, brushes and canvas. Creativity is much more broad. It includes resourcefulness, problem solving, seeing an old problem from a new angle.” — Brandy Agerbeck
Extra thanks to Ann for giving the above quote emphasis.
As a graphic facilitator, I have worked across industries and have seen mountains of creativity in every sectors, every field. It is a joy to see participants light up, teeming with ideas.
During rare projects with ad agencies, I shudder at the distinction of "The Creatives," i.e. designers, writers, etc.
I watch a strange dance of deifying The Creatives as the keepers of client-wowing magic at the same time they are mollified as delicate creatures. Creatures that are mysterious, mercurial, and don't really "get" business.
That is plenty bad in my book that believes we are all creative. Save the incurious and complacent as mentioned in article... But the worst part is that in the rooms that put The Creatives on a pedestal, the other downshift their creativity and play a more passive role.
You bring each one of these humans together to contribute to solving the problem at hand in the meetings I map out.
As Logue writes, "Entrepreneurs usually have deep reserves of creativity, but they get overlooked in the press of meeting with clients, managing cash flow and keeping up with email."
Image of a dollop of yellow paint. The quote reads: “If you simply think, ‘Oh, I’m not creative. I better get someone who is,’ you’re robbing yourself of the thinking and problem solving for the business that you know best: your own.” — Brandy Agerbeck