"I now know what I have to offer."

the lab Aug 31, 2018

My lab partners are some of the snazziest people I have ever met.  On a ferry ride in Hamburg, I learned that Carmen is Mary Poppins with her own magical carpet bag of anything you could need.

Here is what she said of her experience —

"Why I recommend The Lab:

⭐ In 3 days together, you learn more than you’d learn in years on your own.

⭐ The Lab gave me choice and confidence. I created my own style and way of working. I now know what I have to offer.

⭐ Anyone can draw, but if you learn from Brandy, you learn how to make meaning with your drawings."

Carmen Nolten-Laan
Visual Ynnovator
Waarland, Netherlands
German Lab 2018

Carmen had started The Agerbeck Method, but it was in the face-to-face time together was when learning this visual language really clicked. 

Or course, I designed The Lab to be chock full of valuable learning. What is especially gratifying in Carmen's words is how the immersion helped her see the value of her skills and develop her own visual voice. 

She said it in her final drawing: 

Curious about The Lab?

It is my 3-day visual thinking immersive workshop. We begin with a foundational exercise that gets us all speaking the same language. After that, our agenda is emergent. I respond to the needs of the 6 people who join me. Learning by doing and experimentation are core to The Lab experience.
Learn more here >>

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