The 5 Steps of Visual Thinking

books idea shapers visual thinking

I am pretty darn excited for this video! So much fun explaining The Idea Shapers' 5 steps with piles of paper and stickers. Big conceptual stuff made tangible. My favorite!

I am usually talking about The Idea Shapers on the level of the 24 individual visual thinking concepts. This is because my goal has always been to break down the complexity of these methods into pieces that are small, or "bite-sized" enough to be easily understood and learned, while still appreciating what a powerful punch each one packs.

How are these 24 Idea Shapers organized?

Two ways:

In this video, we go to the source: the book.

In The Idea Shapers: The power of putting your thinking into your own hands, you'll learn all 24 idea shapers over 5 sections.

Each section walks you through one step in thinking visually and spatially. The BIG ways our brains handle complexity that will become very useful marks on paper.

In my 2013 TEDx talk, Shape Your Thinking, I first defined and shared these five steps:

  1. Chunk
  2. Sort + Group
  3. Connect + Contain
  4. Scale
  5. Grasp

Here is a hands-on demonstration of the 5 steps using black dot stickers as stand-ins for ideas within our drawings. 

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