Latest Drawing Bee

Today was our monthly Drawing Bee in Loosetooth Studio.
1 | In a bee -- think quilting bee, not spelling bee -- we all draw the same piece of content by the live session.
I choose the piece based on the Studio theme for the month. This month's theme is Maps, so I chose this KhAnubis video about mapmaking before satellites. Above is my final drawing.
2 | We all post our drawings to a shared MURAL board.
3 | I also document and archive my process to walk you through how my mind tackled the topic. Sometimes even a second walkthru if I add to my drawing post-call.
4 | Then when we go live, we begin with our own response to the content, topic and speaker itself. Next observations we see across our drawings on the board, then go into conversations choices within each drawing.
It is always fascinatingly to see and hear each person's process.
It is so gratifying and motivating to see each person's progress in their work.
5 | Lastly, the replay and my walkthru(s) are archived. You can always practice with previous months' bees.
I'm really proud of my studio mates for doing the work, showing up, and sharing so generously with each other. We truly create our challenging, supportive, creative learning space together.
If you want to join us in the next 12 Drawing Bees, register for The Agerbeck Method Studio.